1- The number one variable is anticipated use. If fast action, distant birds or special effects aren't a consideration, almost any point and shoot will help with your vacation, parties and casual shooting. If essentially the opposite is the case meaning sports, nature and wildlife, night shooting and more are your fancy, the obvious answer is a digital SLR.
2- What are your friends using?- Like everything else in life, a helpline is great. If a couple of your friends are "Nikon guys" or "Canon aficionados" you've got a ready made consultant. They can help with your settings, maybe lend a lens and get you off the ground.
3- When you buy you commit- If you go with the more complex, versatile and expensive DSLR (which is what all serious photographers at every level do) remember that you'll likely add lenses and other accessories that are brand specific, read: not interchangeable. That pretty much means you are now a Canon, Nikon or Sony cultist yourself!
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